Canada’s interactive media and film and television industries are vital to the nation’s economic and cultural fabric. These industries not only drive innovation and creativity but also contribute significantly to job creation and gdp growth. In 2021, the canadian video game industry alone contributed $4.5 billion to the gdp and employed over 48,000 people. Similarly, the film and television sector generated $12.8 billion in economic activity and supported more than 244,500 jobs. Recognizing their importance, both federal and provincial governments offer numerous incentives to support and promote these industries, ensuring canada remains a global leader in cultural production and technological innovation.
Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Industry Programs
The interactive digital media industry, encompassing entertainment software such as on screen, and virtual reality games and educational software is a cornerstone of Canada’s digital economy. This sector is crucial for fostering technological advancement and providing high-quality, engaging content for global audiences.

Interactive Digital Media Tax Credits Supported by MediaFunds
- Scientific Research and Experimental Development federal and provincial programs (SR&ED)
- Manitoba Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (MIDMTC)
- Nova Scotia Digital Media Tax Credit (NSDMTC)
- British Columbia Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (BC IDMTC)
- CRÉDIT D’IMPÔT POUR DES TITRES MULTIMÉDIAS – Quebec Production of Multimedia Titles Tax Credit (CTMM)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (NL IDMTC)
Canada Media Funds (CMF) IDM Grants Supported by MediaFunds
CMF Conceptualization Program funds projects at the very beginning of the creative process with the objective of giving the specific project a better chance to succeed for future stages of financing. It is designed to allow you to create and test a proof of concept and verify either the design idea, concept assumption or demonstrate a functionality in preparation for the Prototyping phase and beyond.
CMF Prototyping Program funds projects at the early stages of building a product to demonstrate its intended functionalities and design. Specifically, this grant is for experimenting, testing and validating different concepts and hypotheses to arrive at a first functional prototype.
CMF Commercial Projects Program funds projects that have a greater probability of commercial success. Projects will be evaluated based on their potential to attain stated commercial objectives, demonstrate business opportunity and achieve profitability.
The Digital Creators Pilot Program supports the growth trajectory of mid-career Canadian digital content creators, who are making short-form video content exclusively for digital social media platforms – YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.
Innovation & Experimentation Program funds interactive digital media content and software applications that are innovative and leading-edge.
Ontario Creates (IDM) Grants Supported by MediaFunds
Concept Definition Program supports for early-stage activities that take place prior to and assist the applicant company in preparing for full production of a market-ready interactive content project.
Production Program supports for the creation of a market-ready interactive or video content project that will be made publicly available to an audience
The Global Market Development Program provides you with funding to participate in international activities that support your company’s growth and produce measurable business and market development results. Primary activities supported include targeted sales trips and attendance at international market events.
Canadian Film and Television Industry
The Canadian film and television industry, including filmmakers, television program makers, and production service businesses, plays a pivotal role in showcasing Canadian stories and talent to the world. This sector not only enriches the cultural landscape but also drives substantial economic activity.

Film & Television Tax Credits Programs Supported by MediaFunds
- Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit – CAVCO Program (CPTC)
- Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit – CAVCO Program (PSTC)
- Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit – Ontario Creates Program (OFTTC)
- Ontario Computer Animation and Special Effects Tax Credit – Ontario Creates Program (OCASE)
- Ontario Production Services Tax Credit – Ontario Creates Program (OPSTC)
- Manitoba Film and Video Production Tax Credit – Manitoba Film and Music (MFM) Program
- Film Incentive BC – British Columbia Film and Television Tax Credit Program (FIBC)
- Alberta Film and Television Tax Credit (AFTTC)
Film & Television Grants Programs Supported by MediaFunds
Canada Media Fund (CMF) Linear Media Grants
- Development and Predevelopment Funding:
Up to 15% of funds available for Indigenous Development, Racialized Community Development, and Francophone Minority
- POV Program: The POV Program is designed to encourage one-off point-of-view (POV) documentary production in English and in French.
- Regional Production Funding: supports the CMF’s mandate in encouraging linear content funding to the production of Projects across all of Canada.
- Telefilm Development Program supports the development of eligible Canadian feature films
- Telefilm Production Program supports Canadian production companies at the production and/or postproduction stage of their feature film projects
- Telefilm Talent to Watch Program supports emerging filmmakers looking to finance the production stage of their first feature film projects
- Telefilm Theatrical Documentary Program supports Canadian production companies at the production and postproduction stage of their feature-length documentary projects aimed primarily at theatrical audiences.
Telefilm Canada Grants Supported by MediaFunds
Provincial Film & TV Grant Programs Supported by MediaFunds
- Ontario Creates Film Fund Programs provides opportunities for film producers to develop and produce new projects, and for film & TV producers to develop international partnerships, export their content, and access new markets to grow their business.
- Alberta Media Fund Programs support the growth and sustainability of Alberta’s cultural industries.